Kids, right now I'm heading south on I-15, somewhere in between
Mesquite and mile marker 127. I've got a bowl of Cap'n Crunch in my belly, a
pair of fancy schmancy sunglasses on my face, listening to Matthew White
elegantly serenade profanity to me as I use my left thigh to navigate past
truckers, trailers, and Priuses while I write down my memoirs on what will be
the last road trip I will ever take as a recruiter for Dixie State University.
For full effect, download "Holy Moly" by the above-mentioned
artist and play at maximum volume throughout the duration of this post.
Life on the road has taught me a thing or two, I will say that.
Things like how you should never break the speed limit in Idaho, or that Best
Westerns are a very undervalued hotel chain nationwide, or that the state of
California needs more money to fund their drivers education programs, or how
sunflower seeds are the best therapy to keep your eyes open when you have a few
hundred miles to go and it's just after midnight. I sure have picked up a few “life
lessons on the road” over the years. Geez, that sounds like a roll your eyes premise
for an ugly Nicholas Sparks novel or something. What is wrong with me?
I've been around kids, I really have. And yeah, go ahead and
smirk a dirty thought or two about that last sentence, we all do. I've logged
miles from Newport Beach to Spokane, from Boise to Phoenix, from Logan to Vegas
and every single small town in between, I kid you not. Duchesne? Check. Lyman?
Been there. Pioche? Done that. I've got a few hundred thousand miles logged on
to my tailbone at this point in my life, and it hasn't even been five years
yet. Damn, life on the road goes by too fast sometimes.
It's a little screwed up to think this will be the last time I
sit behind this steering wheel on a trek paying my dues to the institution that
raised me. Going 80 on a freeway by yourself sure does makes you think about
the hypothetical direction you're headed. Kids, the next three months of my
life are without question going to be some of the most path-hinging moments I
will ever experience. And as I'm nearing the California border, I can't help
but wonder what crazy tales will be spun in the next 90 days. Things are going
to get batshit crazy, that's for sure. But at least for right now, the things
that haven't happened yet, the things that will happen, the lunatic/WTF-is he
thinking things, they don't matter yet. All that matters now is I've got my
seeds, my tunes, and a full tank of gas, ready to tackle the last long road
trip of my young recruiting life.
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